Special Dates

Set up your stores to be closed or have custom opening times during specific days or date ranges

Special Dates will allow you to set up specific dates and date ranges to either be closed or have custom operational times. This feature is on the global level, you will need to have a global dashboard created. 

To have a global channel created please email support@qikserve.com

Navigating Special Dates 

To add a special date you will need to navigate to you global dashboard and head to Opening Hours > Special Dates.

On this screen you will be able to see all the special dates you have created, the different sorting options here are: 

  • All - Shows all special dates that have been created 
  • Closed - Shows all special dates that were used to close a store
  • Custom - Shows all special dates that were used to change the operational hours
  • Scheduled - Shows all special dates that have not yet passed and are scheduled for the future
  • Performed - Shows all special dates that have passed  
  • Draft - Show all special dates that were drafted but never made live

Adding Special Dates 

To create a new special date select the "Add Date" Button located in the top right:

Special Dates 1

Internal Details 

The next page will allow us to set the special date name and description. 

Also note that at any point we can: 

Discard - Delete the current special date we are creating 

Save as draft - Save this current special date as a draft so that we can edit it later on without making it live.

Opening hours 


On this part we can set the date or the date range we wish for this to be special date to be active. For or a specific date select the "Single Date" option  and enter the date you would like this to be live for.

For this to be live for a date range select "Date Range" and enter dates you would like this special date to be live between. 

Opening Times

Here we can choose whether to have the store simply closed for this date by selecting "Closed Stores" from the drop down menu or we can set custom opening times for the dates selected in the previous step. 

If you would like to only be closed for part of the day or for specific times during the day using the "Custom hours" option would be key. You can add multiple time ranges that the venue is closed by using the blue "+" button. 

Special Dates 2

Guest Facing Message

Here you can add a message for customers to see when looking at the opening times of your store on the online ordering page

Select Stores  

This part will allow you to choose witch stores this special date will apply to, if you would like to apply to all venues you can toggle "Select All", but if it's specific venues you wish to apply to then toggle the relevant ones. 

Please note: A venue can't have overlapping special dates and will appear unavailable, if it has one applied during the date or date range you are currently creating 

Once you are happy with your Special Date you can select "Save & Publish" to save and make the Special Date Scheduled or Live depending on the date.

This is how the special date will appear: 


Editing a Special Date 

To Edit a special date all you'll need to do is select an existing special date, this will show three options: 

  • Delete - Will remove the special date permanently 
  • Duplicate - will create a draft copy of that special date with the same settings
  • Edit - Guide you to edit the setting of that special date