September 2021

See below features, improvements and bug fixes for the past month.

New Features

  • Integration with WPM Education

    • Available as a payment gateway for Enterprise customers


  • Improvement of Split Payment on Pay at Table

    • For our Pay at Table solution we have a new confirmation step to help make sure that customers pay the correct amount when splitting their bill:

      Screenshot 2021-10-04 at 11.52.56
  • Add external order ID to Acteol

    • We now send the external order ID to Acteol so that the store, if POS integrated, can match up orders more easily

  • Customer facing receipt format

    • Stylistic improvements in line with the QikServe Accessibility statement, including layout, font and icon changes to the order confirmation page

      Screenshot 2021-10-04 at 13.06.15 (1)
  • Outlet information on the Expo Orders Screen 

    • Both the List and Kitchen view now have the option to display the Outlet Location information, such as what table number the order is for

      Screenshot 2021-10-04 at 12.27.05
  • Event change from menu

    • This allows you to change the event once you’ve selected it without the need to refresh the page. It will keep the outlet location (e.g. collection point) if the same one is still a valid option

    • If the menu is not applicable to the newly chosen event then any items already in the basket will be removed also
      Screenshot 2021-10-04 at 12.02.00

  • Tevalis Pay at table not found screen

    • Improve the screen displayed if there are no items on the bill already to view. New screen shown to the right

      Screenshot 2021-10-04 at 12.03.26
  • QikServe Payments Terms & Conditions

    • Updated Ts&Cs hosted on the KYC onboarding

Bug Fixes

  • Change to the payment logic for Open Check whereby the payCheckAsync was calling the POS multiple times if call to the CRM service failed. This would lead to the payment amount being sent to the POS twice

  • Password field wasn’t showing for App-US platform meaning returning customers couldn’t sign back in

  • For multi store apps the list screen image uploading was not working correctly