To get your mobile app released to the Apple App Store, you have to sign up for the Apple Developer Programme.
You pay Apple £79 a year (or $99 as of 1 January 2021) for the Apple Developer Programme and it can take between 2-4 weeks to have your application approved by Apple.
Once you have joined the Apple Developer Programme, you will invite QikServe's developers to join your account as Administrators.
We will then take care of the rest and ensure your app is up and running and remains up to date as we release new features throughout the year.
Apple Support
Please read the following guide below carefully before starting the process.
Before you start enrolment
There are a few things you need to get started. We've outlined the key things below, but you can read more about what you need to enrol on Apple's website here. If you are based in the UK, please make sure to have the following handy:
A D-U-N-S Number (if UK-based)
You need your D-U-N-S number so that Apple can verify your organisation’s identity and legal entity status. Go to to find out more about this number.
Outside of the UK, the process for enrolment may differ slightly –when you visit instructions for your region will be given.
An Apple ID + Apple Device (for dual authentication)
To get an Apple ID, open the App Store online. Click Sign in, then click Create Apple ID.
You can enable two-factor authentication on an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch with iOS 9 and later, or a Mac with OS X El Capitan and later. For more information, please go to:
Legal authority
You will need a form of evidence to prove that you have the legal authority to make the decision to enrol as a developer on behalf of your company.
During the enrolment process there is a phone call with Apple, so if your company name and app differ, have the following forms of proof prepared:
Terms and Conditions from your website, showing the company affiliation
If you have a Parent company, that name should be your website
Email address with your domain name
Please read the following two sections carefully to ensure a successful application.
Legal authority – Company name
You may be able to apply for an Apple Developer Account without this being clear, however, Apple will only accept your app name you are submitting. For example:

If the link isn’t clear, you need to prepare evidence to show Apple you have the legal right to submit the app under that company name, as outlined on the previous page:
Terms and Conditions from your website, showing the company affiliation
If you have a Parent company, that name should be your website
Email address with your domain name
Legal authority – Email address
You'll need a custom email address with your domain name (e.g., in order to sign up for an Apple Developer account. Additionally, Apple won't accept personal email addresses created through free online services such as Gmail or Outlook.

If you have your own website, then a custom email address may already be included as part of your website hosting plan. If this isn’t the case, you can still purchase a custom address for your organisation, but you could use Gmail for business or a similar service. Your business must have a publicly-available website, and the domain name must be associated with your organisation. In other words, you'll need a website hosted outside of social media, such as Facebook, where clients can go to find your business.
Start enrolment
Outside of the UK, the process for enrolment may differ slightly –when you visit instructions for your region will be given.
To begin enrolment, go to
Before inputting any information, you will be asked to decide if you want to manage the process by app or web. If you choose app, follow the link the download the app and then continue the process.
Start by confirming your personal information and select your entity type – in your case, that’s company/organisation
The following pages outline the process with Apple
Correct as of Jan 1st 2021.

Next, in order for your company name to be listed on the App Store product page, your company must be recognised as a legal entity in your country/region. Sole proprietors and single person companies located in countries/regions where they are not recognised as legal entities will be enrolled and be listed for download under the enrolee’s personal legal name, if selected for distribution by Apple.

On the next pages you will be asked to enter your business detail: headquarters address and phone number. Your organisation’s website must be publicly available, and the domain name must be associated with your organisation.

Select whichever applies to your situation:
Signing authority confirmation. Confirm that you have the authority to bind your organisation to legal agreements and provide the contact information of an employee who can verify your signature authority.

Important last steps
Once you've successfully enrolled, please log in to your Apple Developer Account and invite QikServe to join your account as an Administrator. Invite as admin. Tick the box to give us access to Developer Resources:

Please email our Onboarding team at to let us know you have sent these. Please include your Apple ID and store name/trading name in the email. We aim to build, test and release your app within 10 working days of receiving an invite to your Apple Developer Account.